If Christianity Is the Opiate of the Masses, Is Islam Cocaine or Methamphetamine?

Question by Phoenix Quill: If Christianity is the opiate of the masses, is Islam cocaine or methamphetamine?
Everybody welcome, don’t be too cruel.
Do other religions have drugs that describe them?
Thanks guys, I am quite familiar with Karl’s actual quote.
It just struck me that some religions might be a bit less opiate than others.
So does Islam make you excited & confident (cocaine) or excited and OCD (meth)?
James, sir readalot, thank you, precisely the spirit.

Best answer:

Answer by sir readalot
It’s more like PCP. Bin Laden and his followers are definitely dusted.

The thumbs down leads me to suspect his followers lurk here.

Answer by nickipettis
i thought the original quote was that “religion is the opiate of the masses.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!