I Would Rather My Daughters Took MDMA Than Started Smoking

I would rather my daughters took MDMA than started smoking

Filed under: addictive cocaine

Heroin is physically addictive, as is cocaine and crack, but there are strong taboos in place against crack and needles (unlike some adults, teenagers don't see drugs as all the same). Cocaine, though often seen as glamorous rather than sleazy, is … Read more on The Guardian


Speak Out: Marijuana – Speak Out about the legalization of marijuana.


Marijuana Most Popular Worldwide, Pain Killers Deadliest

Filed under: addictive cocaine

According to their results, which are based on data from 2010, people all around the world choose pot over cocaine, heroin and amphetamines. Moreover, addictive painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin are responsible for killing more people than … Read more on RedOrbit


“Magic: The Gathering” attracts gamers to Oakland

Filed under: addictive cocaine

Among the people addicted to the game are a beta-tester for Google Glass, a military vet designing security systems, a tattooed finance executive, a graphic designer for a startup, and Mensa members. “Yah, we're nerds, but there are times we've skipped … Read more on Oakland Local


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