I Have Heard Some Stuff About the “Legal Cocaine” Bath Salt and I Wanna Know Whats True and Whats Not?

Question by Amanda: I have heard some stuff about the “legal cocaine” bath salt and I wanna know whats true and whats not?
Ive heard people say that the bath salts are worse then real cocaine, is it true?
Does it have to be a certain kind of bath salt, or just any kind?
What are the side affects, like what happens when you snort the bath salt?
Can it kill you?
Can it do any harm at all?
I want to try it but I know nothing about it.
How long do the side affects last?
How much should I do?
The kind of bathsalt I have is Christmas Botanica Sparkling Melon/Melon Etincelant bath salts, would that work?

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Libby
Are you serious right now…snorting bath salts is so NOT a good idea.

Answer by John Wayne Fan
I would stick with the coke. I would think the salt would burn. I don’t think it would harm you, but I don’t think you would get high.

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This Is Your Body On Love

Filed under: what are the affects of cocaine

"What we found is that marriage has a dampening effect on cortisol responses to psychological stress, and that is very new." You may …. "In fact, the same brain region where we found activity becomes active also when you feel the rush of cocaine … Read more on Huffington Post


Mo. House approves bill targeting synthetic drugs

Filed under: what are the affects of cocaine

… known as K2 and sold as incense. A year later, the definition of marijuana in state drug laws was expanded to cover synthetics. The 2011 measure also barred substances marketed as incense or "bath salts" that mimic the effects of cocaine and marijuana. Read more on KBIA


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