How to Define Drogatics?

Question by bbjr: how to define drogatics?

Best answer:

Answer by someonecanbme
according to Yahoo-no such word

Answer by Ami
I am wondering if you are trying to ask about drug addict or drug addicts. Drug addicts are people with drug addictions. Below are some definitions of drug addictions.

Drug addiction
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Drug addiction, substance dependence or chemical dependency is the compulsive use of psychoactive drugs, to the point where the user has no effective choice but to continue use. The phenomenon of drug addiction has occurred to some degree throughout recorded history (see “opium”), though modern agricultural practices, improvements in access to drugs, and advancements in biochemistry have exacerbated the problem significantly in the 20th century with the introduction of purified forms of active biological agents, and with the synthesis of hitherto unknown substances, such as methamphetamine. While “addiction” has been replaced by “dependency” as a clinical term, the terms are used interchangeably here. ( )

You may be hooked emotionally and psychologically. You may have a physical dependence, too. If you have a drug addiction — whether to a legal or illegal drug — you have intense cravings for it. You want to use the drug again and again. When you stop taking it, you may have unpleasant physical reactions.

While not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted, many people do. Drug addiction involves compulsively seeking to use a substance, regardless of the potentially negative social, psychological and physical consequences. Certain drugs, such as narcotics and cocaine, are more likely to cause physical dependence than are other drugs.

Breaking a drug addiction is difficult, but not impossible. Support from your doctor, family, friends and others who have a drug addiction, as well as inpatient or outpatient drug addiction treatment, may help you beat your drug dependence.( )

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