How Can You Test for Cocaine Use? – Cocaine Detection
How Can You Test For Cocaine Use? – Cocaine Detection – Cocaine Testing at Find out how to test for cocaine. So, how can you detect cocaine use? All in all there around 5 different ways you can pick up cocaine use. The first and most obvious is probably the signs of abuse. Including large pupil size, right on the high of the drug, assertiveness, increase in talkativeness, the person can get a false surge of confidence, a reduction in their inhibitions and so on. More frequent users also do hand to face gestures and nose checking and sniffling to make sure there is no cocaine after use. The second method for checking for cocaine use is looking on surfaces for the physical product itself. Now for that we provide cocaine surface wipes, which are just like a hand towel or a wet wipe which contain a reagent which turns blue in the presence of cocaine. Failing that you also have saliva testing, which can pick up drug use for hours. Urine testing, which can pick up drug use for days and hair testing which can pick up drug use for months. To find out more information on cocaine testing and how to detect the substance visit or call 0845 900 2755 for more information. http