How Can a Brain Stimulant Be the Treatment for ADHD?
Question by Wisen Smart: How can a brain stimulant be the treatment for ADHD?
My son was just placed on Adderal and it says its a “stimulant”. How can a stimulant “calm” his constant intranquility and it also say he might he having problems sleeping. If you are nervous that you can’t focus nor be still and already have difficulty sleeping, why the adderal? I thought I[‘d get an explanation here before calling the doctor. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by James
What Adderol did for me and what it is doing for my brother right now, is that it gives you more focus. It is easier to concentrate for a longer period of time. I know it seems like an oxymoron, but giving someone with ADHD Adderol is different then giving someone with out ADHD Adderol. I’m no doctor I just have been on the medication, I can’t tell exactly what it does in the brain.
As far as the sleeping goes, if my little brother doesn’t take his Adderol XR(25mg’s) right as he wake up in tghe morning, he will never be able to go to sleep. Right now I’m on Vyvanse and it seems to be working a lot better then the Adderol did. I would talk to your doctor about that if the sleep becomes an issue. Hope this helps at all. 🙂
Answer by Jef Gazley, LMFT
People with ADD have what is called a paradoxical effect to medication. A stimulant will still speed up his body and that might cause sleep problems, but because it turns on the prefrontal cortex it usually calms the mind. A tranquilizer might well make him more hyper.
I would suggest reading Healing ADD the Six Types by Dr. Amen. It will explain the condition completely. The stimulants usually work well for ADD but can cause some side effects. There is a natural supplement that works as well for most people and that is ADD-care. I use it with 85% of my clients with ADD, but used the stimulants for 25 years with good results as well.
Good luck. Jef
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