Horriable Panic Attack Problems!!!?

Question by Dalton: Horriable panic attack problems!!!?
If i decide to smoke weed and i took my adhd pill in the morning i have got weroid , my hands will go numb and it will get so bad that it hurts to touch or feel things. And i will get a HORRIBLE panic attack.. my heart will start beating supper fast and will not slow down … i used to beable to smoke while i took my adhd pill with no problem, now its all the sudden turned into a nightmare. And im scarred to smoke weed again because of it. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?

Best answer:

Answer by anoymousclient
Dont do drugs kids

“Oh it wont hurt you, its completely fine.”
“Pshh, crack isnt bad or addictive”
“Weed doesnt affect you in any way other than making you calm”

I wouldnt exactly do it again, adhd medicine makes you calmer and slower, same thing with marijuana. Those two together….

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