Drug-Addicted Babies on the Rise in Tennessee

Drug-addicted babies on the rise in Tennessee – A record number of drug-addicted babies are being born in Tennessee. The majority these days aren’t addicted to crack, but to drugs like oxycodone, morphine,…


Baby born prematurely in motel bathtub now off ventilator

Filed under: addicted to crack

Hassell said she has three children — a 16-year-old daughter and the two boys — all born addicted to drugs. Hassell said she began prenatal care and, for a few weeks, didn't do drugs. However, she said, the cravings for crack cocaine were too great … Read more on Ocala


Barnes: What needs to change about how abuse and addiction are treated

Filed under: addicted to crack

Prescription drugs kill more Americans yearly than crack, heroin and meth combined. The CDC reports 14,800 deaths from painkillers in 2008 and 480,000 deaths from cigarette smoking. • More than 14 million Americans are alcohol-dependent, but only 3 … Read more on Auburn Citizen