Do You Agree That Only Stoners Think Marijuana Should Be Legal?

Question by Mike: Do you agree that only stoners think marijuana should be legal?
Because, when you really think about it, there’s no good reason to be for legalization if you don’t smoke. Marijuana is harmful and it turns users into worthless degenerates. Only a stoner would be foolish enough to support legalization.

Best answer:

Answer by littlerunner
Nope. I’m not at stoner and I wouldn’t care if it was legalized. It’s not half as dangerous as alcohol and it might help put our country out of debt if we could export it, since currently all we export is scrap metal. Of course, I don’t think it should be legal to smoke it and drive or anything. If you research the long-term affect of pot there really are none. People just worry about it because it is a gateway drug that can lead to other drugs that ARE very harmful. There’s just a lot of bad stigma attached to it because it’s – GASP – a DRUG. I don’t smoke anything at all, ever and that’s still my opinion.

Answer by Richard B
the Y rules are ” ask a question that can be answered with facts or references or reasonable arguments”

you have just stated you opinion. this could be deleted by ” abuse ” but I would like you to understand the rules.

replace the word “marijuana” with alcohol, beer wine or tobacco and answer your own question

What do you think? Answer below!


Crime Log: Spousal Abuse, Marijuana Citation and Burglaries

Filed under: marijuana abuse

Jan. 15: Possession of dangerous drugs was reported at the 800 block of D Street. A 48-year-old male was arrested on probable cause of possessing a controlled substance. Jan. 16: Petty theft from a building was reported at 1500 block of Main Street. Read more on