Dangers of Crack Cocaine: Crack Abuse – the Answers, Clear and Simple

Crack abuse costs happiness, health and any money available. Crack abusers believe their happiness, success and confidence come from crack.

Crack, rock, pop rocks, etc are all slang for smokable cocaine. Crack cocaine is the number one addictive drug in North America. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan warned US families about the impending dangers of crack cocaine. That warning was missed by the people who most needed to find out – Parents.

If you’re a parent of a son, daughter or grandchild who is using crack, you need to know some things about cocaine and about why traditional treatment is only getting a few percent success. You will need to know how to help another recover from crack abuse.

Crack Cocaine users become very compulsive and obsessive over time

Compulsions to use crack cocaine once a person has made the mistake of trying it once, can quickly become overwhelming. The drug overtakes or hijacks the body and minds functions for 10 to 15 minutes after one inhale. Crack burns out a person’s natural resources rapidly and leaves them crashed, mentally and physically.

The “crack crash” is felt after the adrenal glands in the body have been burnt out. Repeatedly smoking rock cocaine results in losing better judgment and sense. The intense physical depression created by crack abuse presses them into unthinkable acts. A crack abuser is trying to solve an intensely personal problem – often it’s that crash.

A crack abuser will lose their uprightness, honor and values if they had those prior to smoking cocaine. Rightness is a personal thing. A person who is living right is trying to survive the best they know how. Good survival or right living is rewarded by rewards and positive reinforcements. Bad living is penalized by pain or unhappiness. Crack abusers borrow confidence and loose credibility.

When a person uses crack, the body and mind are deceived into burning up all their store house of nutrients. Sometimes crack use will also result in stopping the natural creation of internal body and brain messengers. This means that when a crack abuser stops using cocaine, their body doesn’t work right for a short time, sometimes not for weeks.

Crack leaves scars on the heart and lungs every time it’s used. Crack abusers risk brain damage, heart attack and stroke. Damage to vital organs and the burn up of essential nutrients for positive outlooks on life mean the person will feel depressed. This is the penalty.

Anyone abusing drugs knows that if they use, they will get numb or not care for awhile. They may not get high anymore, as “high” is a reaction to drug use that also has a big cost: their health, long life, happiness and sanity. All these are eaten up by crack abuse.

Someone abusing crack may not understand how crack overtakes their bodies. Abusers have a short attention span. If a better solution to crack isn’t found and used right away, a crack abuser may continue to abuse drugs. They don’t know any better.

Strangely, pharmacy students and other intellects get into drug abuse without a basic understanding of life’s natural laws.

Good actions and beneficial contribution are essential to happiness and crack robs those feelings for a moment at the cost of a lot more.

If you or a family member want to know the facts about drugs and why you’re loved ones seemed to slip away from you, and you want to get them back, click onto the link and contact us about solutions to crack cocaine abuse.

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Tibor A. Palatinus, CCDC, is the Director of a Drug / Alcohol Detox and Rehab Consultancy which specializes in Referring Clients to Drug-free Detox and Rehab Programs which End Addiction for Life.

PS: See why addicts keep relapsing despite rehab and find out how to prevent relapse go to: http://www.detox-narconon.org/specificdrugs/cracktreatment.php?kwy=crack-addiction.html

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