Meth Drug Addiction

Mom Outraged by Classroom Exercise Mimicking Drug Addiction

Mom outraged by classroom exercise mimicking drug addiction

Filed under: addiction is

One mother says it sends the wrong message. Students in a sociology class at Locust Grove High School in Henry County were asked to take part in a drug addiction simulation. In the project, their teacher plays the role of a drug dealer supplying the … Read more on WSB Atlanta


What's best for babies born to drug-addicted mothers?

Filed under: addiction is

Narco-Terrorism Route Chosen to Destroy India: Modi

Narco-terrorism route chosen to destroy India: Modi

Filed under: youth and drug abuse

Drug trafficking and rampant drug abuse by Punjab's youth is a major poll issue in the state which shares a 550-km boundary with Pakistan. Huge cache of drugs are routinely seized by BSF and other agencies in Punjab. Congress and ruling SAD-BJP have … Read more on Business Standard


ND program destroys 3.3 tons of prescription drugs

Filed under: youth and drug abuse

Teenage Behavior Focus of Seminar

Teenage behavior focus of seminar

Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse

"The main thing I came into here asking myself is: 'Is there anything that I, as a parent, can do to identify signs of depression, drug abuse, alcohol, any signs of something wrong?'" said Alinda Baggett, who has two teenagers, 13 and 16. Afterward … Read more on Dawson Community News


When an Alcohol Overdose Is a Wakeup Call – Learn how teenage alcohol abuse and binge drinking resulted in an alcohol overdose and how alcohol poisoning treatment saved a young girl’s life. http://yout…

Zohydro: Ticking Time Bomb?

Zohydro: Ticking Time Bomb?

Filed under: articles about drug abuse

Along with concerns over potency, health officials report (PDF) that the drug lacks necessary abuse-deterrents like features to discourage crushing and injecting. If swallowed by a child, one single capsule could be fatal. The FDA—whose own advisory … Read more on Daily Beast


The True Legacy of Matthew Shepard

Filed under: articles about drug abuse

While straight people were being lectured on the appropriate ways to feel about and interact with gay people, gay violence, drug abuse and sexual abuse were pushed under the rug and away from the press limelight. As reported by John Nolte of Breitbart … Read more on American Thinker

Medical Marijuana Laws Have Not Increased Use of Pot Among Teenagers

Medical Marijuana Laws Have Not Increased Use Of Pot Among Teenagers

Filed under: drug abuse in teenagers

If the federal government still considers pot a Schedule I substance with high risk for abuse, shouldn't state governments consider the impact of legalization when it comes to protecting children from this drug? Investigating the issue, a new study … Read more on Medical Daily


Two parents' groups call meeting on drug problem

Filed under: drug abuse in teenagers

Part 1: Meth Addiction From the Law Enforcement Perspective

Part 1: Meth addiction from the law enforcement perspective

Filed under: methamphetamine abuse symptoms

PRYOR, OK — Editor's note: The Times will have a four-part series about methamphetamine over four consecutive weekend editions. The project covers the subject from … The casual user may show few symptoms to the untrained eye. But as the effects of … Read more on Pryor Daily Times


Uruguay's prisoners could get stoned, but not with rocks

Filed under: methamphetamine abuse symptoms

Legal Marijuana Challenges Drug Abuse Awareness

Legal marijuana challenges drug abuse awareness

Filed under: drug abuse in teens

April is Alcohol Awareness Month—a key time for all Islanders to work towards reducing the stigma around seeking help for alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction can affect both youth and adults and is a treatable disease. This year, for the first time … Read more on Mercer Island Reporter


NBC New York – New Trends in Teen Drug Use – Jack, a 21-year-old Phoenix House client, tells NBC New York about new trends in teen drug use.


Families' Hopes for Ferry Victims Painfully Humble

Families' hopes for ferry victims painfully humble

Filed under: the truth about meth

He later lashed out at a military doctor who was in the room removing Lee's son's clothes for further inspection. "Don't touch my son!" he said. "He's still alive!" In truth, it was a grim sight. Lee said Monday, as he escorted his son's body home by … Read more on WIS


Anti-junta Myanmar journalist Win Tin dies at 85

Filed under: the truth about meth

I Had Inhalants Abuse? Please Give Any Info You Know! Anyone!?

Question by : I had inhalants abuse? Please give any info you know! Anyone!?
I huffed/had inhalants abuse for 2 years?

I would sniff things through my nose about twice a day. It was really bad for about five months. I have been done for about 7 months now. But how do I move on and stop worrying about that I could get cancer? That I did damage and blahblahblah? How do I recover so I’m healthy again?

Best answer:

Meth Addict Returns Stolen Purse With Heart-Warming Note

Meth addict returns stolen purse with heart-warming note

Filed under: recovering from meth addiction

And more surprised still when inside she found an apologetic note from the person who had found it. The heart-warming note, posted on Imgur, explains that the purse was picked up by a crystal meth addict. Although they took the cash inside, after … Read more on Metro


Don’t meth with it – The troubles that can come with the use of meth performed by some junior level nursing students of Marian University in Fond du Lac, WI. Just don’t meth with…