Can You Smoke Crack While Pregnant?

Question by : Can You smoke crack while pregnant?
Why not?? Its being learned that crack is better then we all thought before.

Many recall that “crack babies,” or babies born to mothers who used crack cocaine while pregnant, were at one time written off by many as a lost generation. They were predicted to suffer from severe, irreversible damage, including reduced intelligence and social skills. It was later found that this was a gross exaggeration. However, the fact that most of these children appear normal should not be overinterpreted as indicating that there is no cause for concern. Using sophisticated technologies, scientists are now finding that exposure to cocaine during fetal development may lead to subtle, yet significant, later deficits in some children, including deficits in some aspects of cognitive performance, information-processing, and attention to tasks, abilities that are important for success in school

So crack babies dont exist. I think the reason why they have problems LATER in life is simply cause their parents are sitting around all day smoking crack, or they are in fostercare. Not the crack it self but irresponsibility.

Also your less likley to die from smoking crack then you are drinking alcohol.

CRACK FOR EVERYONE!!! Come on lets light up!!

Instiad of drinking at parties why dont we all just smoke crack? ITS SAFER! And alcohol harms the fetus during pregnancy while crack does NOT. Why does alcohol get so much glamour, there is no word for “alcohol baby” But theres a word for “crack baby” When its really the other way around

Come on everyone lets get cracked!

Best answer:

Answer by .

Okay, saying stuff like that is like letting an infant smoke crack.

Answer by Haylee
you may say all that but it puts more risk to the baby. like
it wont sleep at night or ADHD ect

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Stoking Fire: 'Laboring,' A Midwife's Tale

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicted Babies

Partners were excluded from the labor and delivery rooms, and babies were whisked away within minutes of their arrival. “Several years … Although she screamed that she was not pregnant, she admitting using both Thorazine and crack cocaine. By the … Read more on RH Reality Check


Why wasn't he still in prison? Violent convict charged with killing again

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Addicted Babies

But his brother, Deryk Jones, said Peter began dabbling in crack cocaine when he was 17 years old. “I still have … The 27-year-old Detroiter was killed as he baby-sat a drug house on the city's east side, according to later testimony in his murder … Read more on Detroit Free Press