American Conservatives Shift on Mass Incarceration

American conservatives shift on mass incarceration

Filed under: crack cocaine sentencing guidelines

Where is the politicians' remorse for the hundreds of thousands of African-American youth who instead of attending school and growing up in their communities, have spent decades away from their loved ones because they made a mistake of possessing a bit … Read more on Open Democracy


Short Wins – A Few Things Happened Before Thanksgiving

Filed under: crack cocaine sentencing guidelines

The Ninth Circuit reversed on a sentencing issue in an illegal reentry case based on a change in the probation revocation guidelines, the Fourth Circuit reversed on a Fair Sentencing Act case, and the Fifth Circuit reversed a restitution award in Ponzi … Read more on JD Supra (press release)


Short Wins – It's a Good Week For Remands In Fraud Cases

Filed under: crack cocaine sentencing guidelines

And they're cool issues — for example, for the "mass marketing" enhancement under the fraud guidelines to apply, the government has to show not just that mass marketing happened, but that mass marketing happened to victims. A number of convictions … Read more on JD Supra (press release)