I Crack My Back Constantly, Pretty Much Whenever It’s possible.It Almost Feels Like an Addiction, Is This Bad?

Question by abby *: I crack my back constantly, pretty much whenever it’s possible.It almost feels like an addiction, is this bad?
Whenever I feel the sensation to crack my back, I do. In school, at home, wherever. And I feel like my back “aches” all the time. It’s not like I can say it “hurts” because there’s no one spot with pain it’s just sort of “achey” and I’ve been cracking my back for years, every single day multiple times. Could there be a reason why my back feels achey? And are there any long term affects?

Best answer:

Answer by Hasaki
“Cracking” joints doesn’t cause arthritis or pain in the joint, so I would say its something else.

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