Drug Test Screening, Will MDMA Show Up? Prease Help<3?
Question by Meowkins: Drug test screening, will MDMA show up? Prease help<3?
I have a drug test at my family doctors office tomorrow in the morning. I am getting it done for a court date, I was charged with possession of a substance that I do not take part in. (I am getting it to prove there is no methadone in my system.) However, this past weekend I took over a 2 grams of MDMA between Friday and saturday, then Sunday night I took a .2 cap around 3am and last night I took another cap around 6p.m. Containing about .3
I know I will pass for every other substance that may be screened but I am wondering if the MDMA will show up or if it is likely at all that will even be screened for it. I have taken the same drug test at the same doctors about 2 years ago for opiates and I can remember it tested for coke, methadone, oxycontin, amphetamine, marijuana, along with like 2 or 3 others I can’t remember. Is there like a universal drug test given at family doctors? If so what does it test for, or what drugs are primarily tested? What are the chances the MDMA will be tested?
If the MDMA is tested, how likely is it that I will pass and what can I do to get it out of my system? I heard there is a pill that basically makes you pass if you take it like a couple hours before, I don’t remember the name and would it work for a doctors drug test?
Also I haven’t ate much and haven’t held down food well (I’ve thrown up anything in my stomach) and does that effect how my body detoxes? I have been drinking water a lot and peeing regularly to be straight forward.
I’m prescribed adder all and take that so amphetamine will show up anyways, will MDMA just fall under that in that case?
Omg read instead of proving your complete ignorance. I wasn’t charged with posession of ecstasy, which is clearly stated. I was charged with a drug I don’t partake in, as stated previously. The drug test isn’t court mandated it is choice to prove I’m not doing the drug I was charged with. I am now just concerned since I consumed Molly recently if that will show and although I’d pass for the one I need to, obviously I couldn’t show the court it if I had MDMA show up
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin
If they test for amphetamines MDMA may show up because its a substituted amphetamine. In fact the MA at the end of MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) stands for “methamphetamine”
I guess if they say anything about amphetamines just point to your adderall.
Answer by eric
If you took drugs knowing good and well that you’re going to have to take a court mandated drug test then I really hope you fail. I’m sure they will be looking for everything.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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