What to Do to Stop Thinking of Food? It Is Really Affecting My Life!?
Question by Sumer: What to do to stop thinking of food? It is really affecting my life!?
I am 20 years old. I need to lose 10 pounds.
I am not stopping thinking of food. I do not eat because I am hungry; I eat to feel comfortable which depends on my emotions. Especially, weekends and holidays I start eating in place of three people!!…however, in the work days I just eat one meal which is very healthy meal!..i do not know how to stop thinking of food so I can lose my weight and being healthy person. It is effecting my life, I started to stay at home more than having social and other activities. Also, it is effecting my emotions and trusts to myself which leads me to eat more!
Best answer:
Answer by *moto_chic*
Okay so while reading this, one thing stuck out BAD! you said that on days you are working you eat just one mean that is a healthy meal….thats not good. Ill explain more on a better habit in a second.
The best way to get over a problem like eating when you arent hungry and because you need it to feel comfortable or because you are bored and to also help with your emotions is to start exercising. Now, the cheapest and easiest way to get into the habit of exercise is to just start running. Start out at maybe 10 or 15 minutes a day, or setting a goal like up around the block and back for the first few times, increasing the distance every week or so. Try running everyday because it takes 23 days to make a habit and so the 23 consecutive days will make it easier. Now you will notice that this will make you actually hungrier, but after the first few times, you will begin realizing what kinds of foods and drinks make you feel good when you run and you will eat more of them. You will also begin craving water which will help you lose weight. Running also releases endorphins which will put you in a happier mood.
Now, a good way to eat is to have all 3 medium sized meals (nothing too heavy for any of the 3) and try to eat dinner fairly early…like before 7 if you can. Now there should be 2 inbetween meals that are slightly smaller. also, one of your 3 meals should be slightly larger. For example, i go run early in the morning and my favorite meal is breakfast. So when i get home from a run i will eat whole grain french toast, a bowl of raisin bran, a glass of milk and some sort of fruit. The small meals normally involve cheese and crackers. These small meals will at first feel awkward, but the body will begin recognizing that this is better and not be hungry as often. And as weird as this is going to sound, you should have at least one day a week where you eat what you want. Dont go crazy, but go ahead and eat some of that guilty pleasure. Dont punish your body or a diet plan will fail!
best of luck to you :]
Answer by ? k y k y ?
omg i feel the same way, or i did until somewhat recently ive decided to change all that
i was eating soo much, for no reason otherthan boredom, sadness, hapiness whatever and than because i was gaining weight i didnt wanna see people(id just say, ill see them when i lose it.. which wasnt happening lol)
i find if you track your calories/food intake it really helps because you see how crazy it is
also idk how you feel about this but i use appetite suppressants (i just use gum with hoodia in it) and that usually helps a lot(it doesnt 100% take away cravings just it does help)
i drink A LOT of water now and that keeps my stomach really full(if you feel so full it will help a bit)
and the most important thing is too just keep as busy as you can.. if you wanna eat, go for a walk, do the stairs, call a friend, put on a funny movie
hope this helps a bit, it did for me
good luck hun!
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