Do You Think Labels Such as ADHD Are Given Too Easily?

Question by Raine Love: Do you think labels such as ADHD are given too easily?
So many children that are badly behaved apparently have ‘ADHD’, why can’t it just be classed as bad behaviour?

Best answer:

Answer by Bored Gremlin
Well, if you class it as bad behavior, you are effectively blaming the parents for not teaching the child to behave. Which makes it highly unlikely that parents will come back to your office, which means a loss of revenue for you. On the other side, if you diagnose the child with ADHD, you can arrange weekly therapy sessions, and bill them to parents (or their insurance) at $ 150 a pop.

Answer by Jody
Yes, I absolutely do, and the long-term effects are starting to show their ugly heads. “Kiddie-cocaine” prescriptions are rising, along with teen suicide and homicide. It’s no accident.

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