Wat Perscription Drug Will Get Me High Something I Can but Off a Shelf at the Store?
Question by Francisco Amaya: Wat perscription drug will get me high something i can but off a shelf at the store?
Best answer:
Answer by Shaneh
Nothing unless you take a lethal dose and poison yourself which could land you in the hospital and ruin your reputation within the medical community, then one day when you really need something, for anxiety, depression, pain etc, you wont be able to get it because no doctor will prescribe it to you with a history of drug abuse. There are way too many long term consequences to making a terrible decision in order to try to get a high. A high that wont last long but the damage can last a lifetime. It isn’t worth it. Find something fun to do, something that enriches your life, that’s the best high you can get. Over the counter drugs aren’t formulated to get you high, and many of the ingredients are lethal when taken in large doses, is one short term high worth chancing your life and reputation forever.
Answer by DeannetheGreat
Why don’t you buy a ladder at the store, set it up, and climb that to get high?
Besides, by their very definition, “prescription” drugs require a doctor’s prescription, and cannot just be bought “off the shelf”. IF you were actually prescribed something, it would be for a medical reason for a therapeutic effect, and NOT for getting high. That is called abuse of medications.
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