Pokie Fraudster Spared Jail
Pokie fraudster spared jail
Filed under: addiction relapse
A Canberra bureaucrat who gambled $ 25,000 of Commonwealth money will not see the inside of jail cell. Timothy David Deacon, 27, thought he had conquered his gambling addiction when he joined the Defence Department in 2011. But a relapse in 2012 … Read more on The Canberra Times
Sugar Addiction Relapse? – http://www.SugarAddictionSpecialist.com – Sugar Addiction is a frustrating thing to overcome and I have found that relapse is common with addictions. The key…
Jan. 8, 2014 10:03 pm
Filed under: addiction relapse
"Clients work on topics in the groups to include relapse prevention planning, knowing your triggers, enhancing healthy supports, identifying and using healthy coping skills, emotional regulation, healthy relationships, addiction and trauma, self care … Read more on Leavenworth Times
Ke$ ha Under Pre$ ha: Seeks Help for Eating Disorder, Self-Love
Filed under: addiction relapse
That is why appropriate action steps, such as a program of recovery, are essential to fill the void and treat the root of the compulsive behavior, addiction, or other disorder. Recovery can include a fellowship of support from others struggling with a … Read more on Everyday Health