What Is the Truth Behind Drugs?
Question by jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj: What is the Truth behind drugs?
Does smoking a cigerrete on time lead to addiction?
Does doing heroin one time lead to addiction?
It Pot really less dangerous then caffeine?
Ps: no preachy stuff please, i will never do illegal drugs(excluding antibiotics, etc…you get what i mean)
Best answer:
Answer by Elena
if you do it once, you don’t get addicted to it.. well it depends on how strong the drug is. But usually if you do it once, you think it feels cool and you do it again, thnking that you will not get addicted to it, when you actually do. With cigarettes, i dont know, i was playing with an electric cigarette once, and it doesnt contain that much nicotine, maybe it doesnt contain nicotine at all, but anyway.. it felt weird, it made you want to do it again.. and after it turns into a habit. Thanks God it didnt to me. I will never touch a real cigarette or drugs.
Answer by Tall Willow
Apparently, for some people, trying a drug (including cigarettes) one time /can/ lead to addiction. It’s not common, but IIRC, can happen.
OTOH, if you never smoke or do drugs, then you can be guaranteed /not/ to get addicted.
IDK about the differences in danger between pot & caffeine. For me, pot is certainly more dangerous, but that’s because I have asthma, and pot smoke (as well as tobacco smoke) can trigger an attack. Pot can also make you less alert and will cause you to fail the drug tests that are increasingly common in getting a job, neither of which is the case with caffeine.
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