If Gun Control Is a Good Idea, When Will the Rich Give Up Their Armed Bodyguards?

Question by fra59e: If gun control is a good idea, when will the rich give up their armed bodyguards?
Why do rich people live in gated communities? If their homes are protected by armed guards, why shouldn’t the poor family across town have their own gun to protect their home?

In my neighborhood, a lot of homes have a sign outside saying “Protected by Security Service – Armed Response.”

Funny thing but I don’t see any signs saying “We believe in gun control so we are not armed.” Hmmm.

Is “gun control” just a politically correct way of saying “disarming the poorer people”?

Best answer:

Answer by BlindedByReason
I love the gun control issue. It does nothing to prevent the worst people from getting the guns, but it does much about allowing the rest of us to be defenseless.

Never allow the government to have a monopoly on your safety.

Answer by Brutus Maxius
i am against gun control to a certain extent. but no matter what happens the rich who have body guards will never get rid of them because they would rather have someone else do their dirty work for them.

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