Oreos Are as Addictive as Cocaine, Study Shows

Oreos Are as Addictive as Cocaine, Study Shows

Filed under: how addictive is cocaine

Oreo might want to look into stealing Lay's catch phrase, "Bet You Can't Eat Just One." That, or just start selling their cookies crumbled up into chocolate dust and make it "Bet You Can't Snort Just One." Because Oreos are just as addictive as cocaine … Read more on E! Online


Oreos As Addictive as Cocaine? Not So Fast

Filed under: how addictive is cocaine

Following a Connecticut College press release on an undergraduate student research project, a number of headlines have blared warnings such as "Oreos May Be As Addictive As Cocaine" (TIME) and "College study finds Oreo cookies are as addictive as … Read more on LiveScience.com


No, Oreos Aren't as Addictive as Cocaine

Filed under: how addictive is cocaine

If you give a mouse a cookie, you can spend all day following it around the house while it wants to do a bunch of tedious activities. Or, you can trap it in a box, keep feeding it cookies, and then make the outrageous claim that Oreos are as addictive … Read more on Motherboard (blog)