How Bad Is Crack Cocaine for the Lungs?

Question by mrbohn1: How bad is crack cocaine for the lungs?
Disregarding any other physical, mental, social etc consequences, just how unhealthy is it to inhale a lungful of crack smoke (as opposed to for example tobacco smoke or cannabis smoke)? Are there any crack-specific acquired diseases? And what difference does the purity of the drug make (ie. how harmful is it to inhale burnt baking soda?)
Are there any intelligent well-informed people on here? Did anybody actually read my question?

I am not a crack-smoker, I am doing research. My theory is that because of the stigma attached to the drug, no real reserach has been done on its pulmonary effects.

Please do not repond with scare stories/advice/links to sites that say “crack damages the lungs”.

Best answer:

Answer by fdm215

Answer by Caroline S
bad but worse for the brain

Add your own answer in the comments!