If We Only Use About 10 Percent or So of Our Brain Why Is It Such a Big Deal to Smoke Pot?
Question by R0N: If we only use about 10 percent or so of our brain why is it such a big deal to smoke pot?
Asking because that’s their biggest argument is that marijuana damages brain cells. Well, if we only use 10 percent and marijuana has such good side effects as well why is it such a big deal?
Best answer:
Answer by Patrick
Marijuana only damages the 10 percent you actually use.
Answer by Volant
While you’re baked you are much less functional! It’s like any other habitual drug use, non-productive, possible health risk, and likely to make you less happy in the long run. Why not explore ways to access the 90 percent you’re not using.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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