Urine Lab Test for Cocaine?

Question by alkacue: Urine lab test for cocaine?
Ok so I my friend has a lab drug test in 8 days, he did cocaine he knows it’s a huge mistake and I know they test for the metaboloids and everything but I’m wondering will it be out by then? Honest answers please, I know how much of an idiot my friend is.

Best answer:

Answer by brittc123
usually cocaine stays in your system for about 3-5 days depending on how much he did so “your friend” should be ok. but he could always buy a home drug test from like cvs or walgreens to be sure

Answer by Evolving Awareness
cocaine is out of urine within 3 to 5 days. it can stay on a hair folicle for a few months though. It is hard to determine when the cocaine use occured via hair testing though because it moves on the folicle.

if your friend has a test in 8 days he will test clean provided he doesn’t do any more drugs in the meanwhile.

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