Causes and Effects of Addiction Towards Tobacco Movie 0001.wmv

causes and effects of addiction towards tobacco movie 0001.wmv


Synthetic Drug Use Rapidly Rising Across The World

Filed under: effects of addiction

The UNODC adds, “The adverse effects and addictive potential of most of these uncontrolled substances are at best poorly understood. While the use of traditional drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, seems to be declining in some parts of the world, … Read more on PR Web (press release)


A lapsed dudebro searches for reasons to love 'Call of Duty: Ghosts'

Filed under: effects of addiction

As time went by and I recovered from the effects of my addiction, I realized it was something else: I'd simply grown weary of the franchise. I still loved first-person shooters, but there were other games that were doing more interesting things with … Read more on Globe and Mail