Op-Ed: 150 Years Later, US Blacks Still Not Fully Emancipated

Op-Ed: 150 years later, US blacks still not fully emancipated

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Statistics

According to the federal government's own statistics, of the more than 2,000 people charged with federal crack cocaine violations over a three-year period, all but 11 were black. None were white. In Georgia, more than 98 percent of those serving life … Read more on DigitalJournal.com


Crack In Brazil: Authorities Debate Treatment Options For Crack Epidemic

Filed under: Crack Cocaine Statistics

Bobo says balancing crack with cocaine keeps him working and sane. On the shantytown's streets, life can … Brazil today is the world's largest consumer of both cocaine and its crack derivative, according to the Federal University of Sao Paolo. About … Read more on Huffington Post