So What Is It With Drugs?
So What is it with drugs? – Substance abuse especially among students is no longer just a health or social problem, it’s a learning problem, especially in institutions of higher learning where the student is more and more on his or her own. So what is it with drugs? Malnutrition. Even in developed nations ignorance causes a form of malnutrition. As if that were bad enough, even with what is known, the body needs also nourishment that is as of yet, unknown. In fact, concerning nutrition as well as practically everything else, there will always be unknowns. But in a situation of malnutrition the individual tends to undergo detrimental experience purposely in a knee-jerk reaction to try to replace what’s missing in the experience of the nutriated existence. The body produces it’s own drugs naturally. In proper proportions, and the individual can snap out of it if external conditions require. This is essential in the learning environment in order for the student to be duly fascinated so that the memory tissue can form. This may be why slum schools are so renowned for disinterested students. In that case the individual may be disadvantaged, but it can also happen in a school in the upbeat neighborhood where the albeit advantaged student is still subject to what I call micro malnutrition, the result of ignorance, indifference or just plain unavailability of the necessary unknowns. Look, let’s be fair. We all forget. In a situation of specialized labor, when we are away from certain ideal agrarian …