Explain “withdrawal” Symptoms Before Ever Starting “habit”?

Question by minni: Explain “withdrawal” symptoms before ever starting “habit”?
For decades I needlessly suffered terrible headaches because my mom scared me by quoting medical propaganda such as (1) risk of withdrawal symptoms (2) her teeth rotted (3) coffee is BAD for you.

And what about other past propaganda such as knuckle cracking is “bad”, “chocolate does not cause zits”, nasty weather doesn’t cause colds…

And what about current knowledge that coffee prevents Alzheimers & more?

So you may wanna pass this on to grandma, with advice that if her doctor or nutritionist claims that red carrots of moon origin are unhealthy, she should seriously consider trying red carrots of moon origin.

Best answer:

Answer by ~I ? Music Boxes ?????
….I’m sorry I dont see the question here…or at least I dont understand what youre asking?

Answer by guinshine
Bad weather doesn’t cause colds. How can it? Use your brain please, a cold is a virus & viruses are organisms that breed in mucous membranes. You catch them by breathing in other people’s mucous in small droplet form like when they sneeze. The only thing bad weather does is makes you more likely to catch it from other people because you huddle closer to others when it’s cold & windy & because when it’s cold your airways are more sensitive. If you go out and are isolated from peoPle full stop you will not catch a cold even if you aren’t rugged up. You won’t even catch pneumonia (unless you already have a cold), you will simply get hypothermia.

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A better retirement withdrawal strategy — from the tax man

Filed under: crack withdrawal

A better retirement withdrawal strategy — from the tax man. Reprints. By Darla Mercado. October 21, 2012 6:01 am ET. Uncle Sam may have helped crack the code for the optimal income withdrawal percentage in retirement. Read more on InvestmentNews